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Ryder: A Wings of Diablo MC Novel Page 11

  “It’s all good brothers, this is Sven. Marko sent him to help track down the information that we need about the Boys of Djinn.” He looked over towards Clean to see if he was going to give any flak about someone else doing the job that he was supposed to be doing.

  “Shit, don’t look at me, I will take all the fucking help I can get with this one.” Clean looked over, “So did you find out anything useful?”

  “Da,” Sven answered and continued to take out the folders that he had and then finally a laptop and what looked like a mini electrical box.

  “So, get to it. I don’t have time to watch you play secretary, just tell us what we need to know so we can take them out.” Prez spoke up but he was out of order, he looked over to Wire and apologized immediately. “My bad Wire, I was out of place.” Prez had been the leader of the Wings of Diablo club for ten plus years, letting that go was hard for him.

  Wire nodded and waited for Sven to finish what he was doing. He opened up the laptop and the item that looked like a mini electrical box was actually a mini projector.

  He started talking with no pretense, “The Boys of Djinn are just as they say. Boys of Djinn.” He flicked through the first picture, “Liam Djinn Sr. He is the founding member of this crew, it was not based here originally but out in Canada where they do well, providing protection and giving two-bit criminals second chances. He likes, how do you say, to have favors. If he does for you, you owe him for life.”

  I looked at the picture and I did remember seeing him maybe once or twice but it was never around the clubhouse.

  He flipped to the next picture, “Ali Djinn. He is the brother of Liam Djinn Sr. He was found dead in the far corner of Maine close to the Canadian border about six months ago. He was the Vice President. The ones that you have been speaking with are, Liam Djinn Jr. Cory Djinn, Wyatt Djinn, Amir Djinn, and Hassan Djinn.” He flipped through the pictures quickly not really giving us enough time to really see what he was showing us.

  “Rebated?” Mack said before he inhaled hard and spoke again, “Related?” He said again this time getting the right word out.

  “Da.” Sven put up a flow chart with all the pictures and every single member of this crew was either a brother or a cousin and they all had the last name Djinn. “They ran a large area in Canada but now they are trying to set up shop here. They believe that you will do that for them. They will kill you when you are done.” He said without so much as batting an eyelash.

  “The fuck they will,” Archer said from where he was sitting.

  “They will, all the information that you think is secret they know. You can’t go for them straight on.”

  I caught on quickly to what Sven was trying to say, and through the thick ass accent that he had that was no easy feat. “We have to beat them at their own game.”

  “What do you mean Ryder? We aren’t cops, they have all the leverage, they could pull us over for a traffic stop and plant some shit on us that will send us away for years.”

  “Ah, truth, that is truth.” Sven nodded his head, “But if you hit them where it hurts or threaten to hit them where it hurts they will make sure to leave you alone.” He flipped back to the picture of Liam Djinn Sr. “Tell daddy.”

  “What the fuck is he talking about?” Clean asked Wire.

  “Sven, can you clarify. You are telling us we can’t go straight up, then you tell us to go straight for the target. That shit doesn’t make any kind of fucking sense.”

  “Do you know who this is?”

  “Yeah, you just said he was Liam Djinn Sr. The president of the Boys of Djinn,” Clean said out loud.

  “Niet, no, I said he was the founding member, he is no longer a member of the crew. He gave up that life and even disowned all of his sons and even changed his last name to Tremblay. He is now Liam Tremblay.”

  Lightbulbs went off in my head, I finally knew where I had seen this man before. “Fuck me, that’s the deputy prime minister of Canada. He’s supposed to take over when the present Prime Minister is gone.”

  “Smart man.” Sven showed a picture of Liam Djinn Sr in a suit sitting with the Prime Minister of Canada and talking with Queen of England it seemed.

  “Fucking hell.” This can’t be good, he’s just going to bring more heat on our heads, why would we go to him.

  “Junior has been trying to prove to dear old dad that he’s good enough, but he didn’t want to give up the dirty lifestyle he was living. He thinks that if he can take over this area and kill you off his father would see him as a good son. If you can get some proof the Boys of Djinn are a threat to national security, Liam Sr would be out of office before he could blink. Junior would never go against daddy that way. Plus, Liam Sr in his past life was known to be incredibly brutal, I wouldn’t be surprised if he took junior out himself.”

  “I don’t understand, the Canadian government must know about his background already,” Archer said trying to put the pieces together.

  “No, Liam Sr changed his name and erased his entire life with any of his sons, no one even knows they exist and there is no connection to them, they can’t even get back over the border into Canada thanks to their father. They’re looking to get back into his good graces and are going to use you to do that. Beat them at their own game, get info on them that will destroy the father and they’ll be gone.” He nodded once and gathered his laptop and projector and just walked out of the room.

  Clean walked over to the table and opened one of the manilla folders that Sven left there. It was page upon page of information on one of the brothers. What kind of car he drove, who he was sleeping with on the side, who his wife and kids were, how long he had been with the FBI, what he got on his SATs every piece of information we could ever possibly want to know, Sven had given it to us. “Shit, what the hell did he use to find all this. Holy shit!” Clean pushed it aside and opened the next folder, the same thing just on a different brother. “Oh man, I have to go talk to him.”

  “He did what we asked him to do, why the fuck do you need to bother him now?” Prez asked him.

  Clean turned and look at him straight in the eye, “Are you kidding me? That man is my Yoda, I must learn the way.”

  Mack spat out the drink he had just started to sip, which caused the rest of the folks around the table to laugh.

  “Clean, get the fuck out of here. I can’t stand you.” Wire clenched his cheeks obviously to keep from laughing.

  Shit was starting to look up, we weren’t out of the woods just yet but at least we had a fighting chance.

  The Boys of Djinn were cocky and sloppy, exactly what we needed to get the dirt we fucking needed to get their father thrown out of office. Mack, Archer, Shepard and Devin would be following them and collecting the proof. Mack and Shepard moved around like fucking ghosts anyway, Archer was a trained military marksman and Devin used to be on the opposing team. If you’re going to send people to spy, those are the right fucking people. The rest of us had one thing to do, live life like we had no cares in the world. If they wanted money we would give them money, if they wanted to talk we would talk, we would do nothing to rock the boat. Until we had what we needed, we would play their bitch.

  So how do the Wings of Diablo live life? We fucking party.

  The music pounded through the walls of the clubhouse but instead of being outside with the rest of my brothers I was inside my room with Cherry and LJ, she was so happy he was home and every time he laughed she misted up a bit.

  After hours of playing the little boy was wiped out, he was asleep in her arms before she even noticed.

  She gave me a huge smile, “Thank you for being there for me when I was losing my mind, thank you so much for bringing him back to me.”

  “It wasn’t just me, we’re all a family in here and we were all incomplete until we found him.”

  She sighed and looked down at his sleeping form, “I can’t imagine how Vida and Mikayla are dealing with still not know where Angel is. I know she isn’t biologically theirs but tha
t little girl is their baby too.”

  Prez had been going all around the states and even to Central America to follow up on leads that would help us find out where Vale, Ink and the little baby Angel had been taken to but so far he never had any luck. Not that it was going to stop him from looking. Prez gave Mikki his word and I was sure he would go until his dying day trying to find that little girl.

  “Yeah, it’s tough for them, it’s tough on all of us.”

  She planted a soft kiss on LJ’s head, “Let me go put him in his crib so he can get a good rest, I’m sure he must be very tired. Then we can go out to the front with the rest of the guys.”

  “You got it babygirl.” I waited until she was out the door and rolled myself to the front where the people were laughing and drinking. The Club bunnies came back out and there were portable poles set up all around the clubhouse. It was a full-fledged Wings of Diablo party.

  “Prez, how you been brother?” I rolled up to him, extending my hand for him to shake.

  “My brother, you look like you are in a much better mood. How’s the physical therapy coming along?”

  “You know, same old shit, they have faith I will walk again and I’m giving it all that I got so I’m sure it is only a matter of time. If not, I’ll live.”

  Prez gave me a strange look, “This doesn’t sound like you. You know if you can’t ride you have to give up the club, they would never strip you but you and I both know that it wouldn’t be the same.”

  “I don’t know, I think it might be time. Maybe I will go find a piece of land down where Prime is. Get me an ol’ lady, maybe a kid or a dog. Who knows?”

  His eyes got wide as he listened to me talk, “You shitting me? You ready to give it up, give up the life?”

  “No, I’ll never be ready to give up my brothers but if I have to, I wouldn’t mind that part of life.”

  “Fucking hell, I never thought I would see the fucking day that Ryan ‘Ryder’ Barosy would be talking about a wife and…”

  I had stopped listening to Prez, I looked across the room and Cherry had made her way back downstairs, and instead of coming to me like she was supposed to she was entertaining Tex as he wrapped his arm around her waist the other hand trailing up and down in between her breasts. I wanted to shoot him in the fucking dick.

  “Oh, man.” Prez stood right in front of me cutting off my line of sight. “Are you shitting me, you want that shit with Cherry?” He asked only loud enough for me to hear.

  I tried to look past him but I couldn’t from my chair. “Look, don’t worry about it, I know it’s against the rules for a patched member to be with a club bunny.”

  He chuckled and finally moved out of the way, “No it’s not. We just say that so the girls don’t get no ideas.”

  What the fuck? “I turned to look at Prez but also try and keep Cherry and that motherfucker Tex in my sight. “What the hell are you talking about, it has always been against the rules for the patched members to make the club bunnies ol’ ladies.”

  “Ryder, you wrote the rules of this club, literally with your very own hands, where does it say that we can’t?” He asked me, I thought back as hard as I could on all the directives I had been given, all the rules I had to put in the book, and he was right. There was not one fucking rule that said we couldn’t be with a club bunny. We couldn’t fight each other over a club bunny, club bunnies couldn’t know club business, they couldn’t stay in the clubhouse if they weren’t available to entertain and they couldn’t be affiliated with any other club but there was nothing that said that I couldn’t be with Cherry.

  “I’ll check you later, Prez, I got some shit I have to handle.”

  “Be easy brother, I don’t think he is all the way there if you know what I mean.” I rolled over to where Cherry and Tex were and waited for Cherry to realize I was there.

  “Hey, brother. Everything good?” Clean asked from the seat in front of me. Maven and one of the newer club bunnies were making out on his lap so he was on cloud nine.

  “Charity!” I growled out. I could feel my rage beginning to bubble up to the surface but she didn’t know, she didn’t understand that now I’d let myself feel what it was like to have more than just my bike and my brothers, I wasn’t willing to give her up.

  “No way, you can’t do that.” Clean was staring at me, what Maven and the other girl was doing on top of him no longer keeping his attention.

  “Says fucking who?” I focused in on him now.

  “Everyone, the rules, everyone,” he said, Maven now sitting up and looking between me and him.

  “What’s happening?” She asked Clean.

  “Ryder is in love with Cherry. He can’t, it’s against the rules.” Clean said quickly not looking away from me.

  “Oh yeah, I knew that that’s a stupid fucking rule.” Maven replied

  “It’s not against the rules, I should fucking know, I wrote them remember?”

  Clean dropped his head to the side like a confused fucking dog. “Oh, yeah, I forgot. Well then continue,” he sat back and pulled Maven to his side and watched me try to get Cherry’s attention again.

  “Charity, don’t you hear me fucking calling you?” I called out louder. She turned to me this time.

  “Ryder? What’s wrong? Is it your legs? You need your medicine?” She asked genuinely concerned.

  “Get the fuck over here. Now!”

  Her body jerked back a second and then she started to move in my direction but Tex was holding her waist.

  “Hold it right there partner, I believe that I was enjoying her first tonight. You’re more than welcome to watch if you want. I thought you had a wet noodle in your pants though, that shit still sleeping?” He bent forward and tried to grab my dick, I rolled out of the way.

  “What the fuck? Are you out of your mind?”

  “Yes.” He smiled at me and tried to turn Cherry back around towards him.

  “Tex, I have no problems with you brother but if you don’t let her the fuck go right now, I am going to cut your mother fucking hands off.”

  He let her go and stood up to get closer to me. “I was told this one was for fun, you denying me my fun now?” His eyes were blank but the expression on his face was jovial.

  “No baby, let’s go have fun,” Cherry said from the side.

  “Shut the fuck up and go to the room, I’ll deal with you when I get there.”

  “Ryder, what the hell?”

  “Can you not fucking hear me, get the fuck on!” I screamed at her and pointed to the back where my room was.

  Everyone went a bit quieter around us, we were drawing a crowd. Cherry looked up and finally when she figured out that I wasn’t going to back down and no one was going to step in, she stormed off to my room.

  Rooster came up behind Tex and tried to pull him away from the altercation that was brewing between him and me. “Come on buddy, there are plenty of other girls here. Nutty wants to give you a go.”

  He looked over to where Nutty was standing, “Oh she has long hair. I want to tie it around my waist while she gags on my dick.”

  “Tex, you know better.”

  He turned away from me as if I’d completely been erased from his mind, “What? I won’t kill this one. I promise. I just like it when their faces turn blue. I’ll unravel…” He had moved too far away for me to hear the rest of their conversation. Part of me wanted to feel bad for Nutty but then again she knew what she was doing. Wire would never let anything happen to any of these girls that they didn’t want. I didn’t have to worry about that.

  I made my way over to my room, Cherry and I had some shit to talk about.

  Chapter 16

  Cherry’s POV

  The fucking asshole!

  I paced back and forth in Ryder’s room. It was one of the biggest rooms in the club but right now I felt like a fucking caged animal. Where does he get off telling me who I can and cannot entertain? That was my job, that’s what I was here for. I was a club bunny and the club bun
nies entertained or they were kicked out. It was the first thing they all told me when I agreed to dance and work for them.

  Ryder rolled in and slammed his door behind him like he was mad. I couldn’t care less about him being mad right now.

  “What the fuck do you think you are doing out there?” He asked, the vein on the side of his head pulsing visibly.

  “What the fuck do you think I was doing, Tex asked me to hang out with him and that’s what I was doing. What gives you the right to stop me from what I’ve always done?”

  “Cherry, we spoke about this already. You don’t need to do that anymore! You are more than that!”

  “Yeah? So you want me to stop entertaining and get kicked out. You want me to leave the only thing that I have ever known because all of a sudden you want to see me be all that I can be? What fucking dream world are you living in Ryder!”

  “You weren’t spouting all that shit in jail, in jail, you were talking love and all that good shit and here we are back on solid ground and you go back to your skank ass ways. I don’t have time for this shit. This is why! This shit right here is why I never took an ol’ lady. You’re not going to turn me against my brothers.” He pointed towards the door, “That shit that just went down with Tex is the last fucking time I will ever step to a patched member over you. You want to fuck everything with a dick instead of letting me take care of you and LJ, so fucking be it!” He yelled, the veins in his neck straining against his skin, the little blood vessels in his eyes bursting with the effort of him screaming. He pushed himself to the bed and pulled himself up.

  “The fuck you just standing there for? Go jump on a pole somewhere, cunt.”

  The lick of his words stung, but I could see beneath them. Finally. Either I was hearing shit or this man just said he wanted to make an honest woman out of me. There was not one doubt in my head. If he was giving me the security, the sex, and the love that I needed, he could have every part of me. There had never been one time even when he couldn’t feel anything from his waist down that this man left me wanting for more. Never. When I turned to Larry to be loved it was because Ryder showed me what it was supposed to be like. I’d been looking for someone to make me feel how Ryder made me feel, Larry came close but it was like comparing silver to platinum on the outside it looked the same but deep down I knew the difference.