Prez: A Wings of Diablo MC Novel Read online

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  I followed my president back inside and walked behind him as he made his way back to the man tied up to the chair in the room. He loosened the restraints and his gag. The man couldn’t stand but he wasn’t dead.

  “I told you everything, I told you where they were.”

  “Shut the fuck up, rat.”

  Wire took the ring off his hand, the one with the club insignia. He used a rag to hold it as he used the lighter to heat it up. Once it was white hot he pressed the burning steel against the left cheek of the man. He screamed and tried to push Wire off but Clean helped hold him down. This time without the gag, the bellow that left the man was heard through the entire complex.

  Wire lifted the ring and a perfect replica of our club logo was permanently burned into his face.

  “You are free, you go back to your boss and you tell him that we are not hiding anymore. Tell him no one here is scared, tell him his days are fucking numbered.” He stood up and looked up to Archer and Clean. “Dump this piece of shit off our fucking property.

  “What about his back?” His spine was still clearly visible, and even though Wire stopped a lot of the bleeding there was still a few spots that were bleeding pretty fucking heavily.

  “Do I look like I give a fuck? I gave you a motherfucking directive. Handle that shit, I don’t want him on my fucking property, get him the hell off.” Wire yelled in Archer’s face. The calm collected leader everyone was used to was starting to slip away.

  He was going in the same direction I had just come from.

  “Wire, this is family. Take note of where we are, ground yourself. No one is questioning you. Learn from me.” I said close enough behind him that only he could hear what I was saying. He shook his head for a second and looked back up at Archer who was still standing there with a pissed off look on his face.

  “You’re right. Get doc up here to wrap him up good, maybe Mikki can help to.” He turned to look at me, I nodded my concession. “Try to get him as close to the hospital as possible, if he dies on the way, fuck it. No loss for us. The message is still sent. Yeah?” Wire put his hand out for Archer.

  “On your word Wire.” Archer pulled Wire into a bro hug and all was forgiven. They would do whatever for that man, just like they had done for me.

  Chapter 22

  The party ended soon after that, when the boys made their way back into the club Wire called his first lockdown. Everyone who wasn’t patched in or being patched in had to be gone. I walked up on Devin gathering his stuff to leave.

  “Wait, let me talk to you for a minute.” I stopped him from doing what he was doing. The man had given me my life, he stood by while I tried to kill myself and when I got too close he did his best to put me on a new road. I didn’t have a lot to give but I could attempt to share the brotherhood with him.

  “What’s up Prez?” He asked confused as to why I was stopping him.

  “I know shit has been fucked up for a long time here and that we are in the middle of some shit no one wants to be in the middle of but you seem like you mesh with this shit.”

  He shrugged a bit, “You know my past. Bullets and blood have never deterred me before.”

  “Yeah, that is what I mean. You seem like you were built for this life. I don’t know how you would feel about it so I’m going to ask. You want to ride with the Wings of Diablo?”

  A smile cracked on his face, I could see that he liked that idea a lot.

  “Prez you are already a brother to me, hell yeah, I want to ride with the boys and I don’t mean any disrespect by this but can you even do that anymore?”

  I grunted slightly, he was right, I was just a lowly member. I didn’t have the pull that I once had but I could suggest and I pretty sure that Wire would listen to me.

  “No I can’t just make you a member, you would still have to be a prospect first. I will talk to Wire about it. If you want in, let me do this.”

  He looked around to the stuff he was packing up, “Ok, well I’ll hang back a bit. Let me know if I should stay or go.”

  I nodded once and went to look for Wire. Devin was a good addition to our numbers and right now we could use all the help that we could get.

  I walked over towards the doors of church and due to my memory lapse I didn’t stop. I had spent so many years just walking in those doors that now when I needed to ask for permission to walk in I had completely forgotten. I burst through the door and instantly regretted it.

  Wire was on the floor, sweat pouring from his forehead and Keeley was kneeling in front of him trying to get him to breathe in and out.

  He was yanking at the collar of his shirt, his eyes darting around like there was some threat.

  “Dillon, I’m here. Just breathe babe. Everything is ok.”

  “Fuck that, I feel like something is sitting on my fucking chest. I hate this shit.”

  Both sets of eyes found mine as I came rushing through the door.

  “Shit.” I said and my immediate thought was to turn around and walk back out the door but I knew that look on Wire’s face. I’d felt like that before. Panic.

  “What the fuck are you doing in here, get the fuck out!” He yelled but there was no force in his voice he was still hyperventilating, trying to catch a breath that he was not out of.

  I turned back around to where Keeley was. I walked closer to where they were and I sat down next to Wire, far enough that he still has space but close enough that he would feel my presence. That he would know that he wasn’t alone.

  “What’s good brother?” I asked, trying my best to ignore the fact that he was having a complete meltdown right next to me.

  “Fuck out of here. This is the last thing I need anyone to see.” He let his head fall back and he yanked his collar again.

  “Why, you act like you are the first one who lost his shit a little bit.”

  “Hmm,” he responded. “That’s funny, I don’t see anyone else losing their shit.”

  I turned to give him a look, “Are you kidding? Archer has PTSD, Clean has ridiculous abandonment issues, and I’ve been depressed for as long as I can remember, suicidal and all that shit. Trust me, it’s not just you.”

  “Well shit.”

  “Yeah, we’re all a bit fucked up.”

  I turned to put my back to the wall and watched Keeley smile and squeeze Wire’s thigh. She got up and went in the back.

  “So what’s up brother?” I asked again.

  “This shit is too fucking much, how in the fuck did you keep your head together for so long?”

  “Well you know, I did lose my fucking mind.”

  “Yeah but you were good for nearly a decade of being the president before that.”

  “We didn’t have a blood thirsty cartel breathing down our backs then either.”


  “You are leading in a fucked up time Wire, don’t underestimate yourself.”

  He shook his head but his breath had already turned normal. “Prez, I never wanted this. This is your fucking patch.” He swiped his hand over the president patched stitched on his chest.

  “It was, I abandoned it, I abandoned all of you. There is no going back from that. I know that. I was king and I couldn’t hack it, I shouldn’t even be alive right now.” I bumped him slightly, “Thank you for that.”

  “Well, I had a few things I wanted to punch you in the face for.” He let out a sigh.

  “You got this brother, I am behind you every step of the way.” I hit him on the shoulder and got up from my spot. He was good. My job was done.

  “Prez, what did you need?”


  “You walked in like you needed something.”


  “Yeah, I did want to bring something up to you. I know it’s not my place to even suggest but Devin, he has been good to me and this club. I think he would make a good prospect. It’s your choice though.” I tried to give him enough consideration.

  “Done, you want him patched in or just prospect.”
br />   I blinked a few times, there was a whole process. This was just too easy.

  “Erm, I mean are you sure. I don’t want to overstep.”

  “Prez, you may not have the fucking patch, but you are the leader of us all. I may have the last say but you will always have my ear.”

  I let my head drop down, I didn’t deserve this type of loyalty.

  “You built us up. This club is you.” Wire said echoing my concern.

  “I won’t let you down again Wire, I think he should be a prospect for the time being, make sure he really is ready for all this shit.”

  Wire nodded and got off the floor. He walked over to the closet and pulled out a bitch vest. Prospect splayed on the back.

  “The honors are yours brother.” Wire handed me the vest and I went to make Devin my brother for life.

  I walked out and felt a little lighter on my feet.

  Chapter 23

  “Alex!” Mikki whimpered out as I pushed her head down into the pillow, I pounded into her from behind, my body already gearing up for the mind-numbing release that I could feel building in my sack.

  “My fucking god.” I felt my shaft pulse with my release and her pussy squeeze and release my cock in the way that I loved. “I love this shit, I love you.”

  What the fuck.

  Mikki’s head popped up from her position on the bed and her body went rigid. She looked over her shoulder, anger radiating from every pore of her body.

  “What the fuck did you just say to me?” She pulled herself off of my dick and turned around to face me.

  I knew this look this wasn’t a say it again look, this was an ‘I dare you to say it again’ look, I don’t know why the words flew out of my mouth but they did. I wasn’t stupid enough to say them again though.

  “Nothing, come here.” I tried to pull her back into position and pray that she just would forget about it. She smacked me hard across the face. Faster than I thought possible.

  “How fucking dare you stand there and insult my intelligence.” She kneeled and stared at me straight in the face. “Did you think that I was deaf for a second or what. Now tell me what the fuck you just said.”

  “Fuck this, you can get out and go in the other room. I am not going to sit back and be questioned. I said it was nothing.”

  “Don’t be a pussy Alex, say what’s on your mind so I can rip you a new one. Take your licks like a big boy.” She stood now.

  The calm, sensitive Mikayla that I was used to seeing was nowhere to be found and to be honest I was completely surprised by this. I didn’t know what to do.

  “Fuck you Mikayla. I don’t have to do shit. In fact on your way out send one of the club bunnies in here.”

  Why the fuck did I say that?

  “Oh you piece of shit! I heard you! You liar!”

  She swung her fists at my chest, every word another punch.

  “The fuck woman, stop hitting me.”

  “No, you’re not supposed to fucking lie to me!

  The hits kept on coming.

  I grabbed her arms and swung her naked form against mine keeping her wrist held in my hands.

  “Mikayla, fucking stop!” I growled at her.

  The tears started to flow, “You liar. You don’t love me. You don’t. Why would you say something like that to me? If I can’t trust you there is nothing. We have nothing.”

  She was sure, so sure that I didn’t love her.

  “Why are you saying that shit? You can trust me.”

  “You still call for her. In your sleep. When you hold me in your arms, when you grind on me in the middle of the night, when you grip my breast first thing in the morning. You still call for Laura. I will never be Laura. I can’t compete with Laura. I won’t let you pretend that I am the one you love. You are still in love with the ghost of your dead wife.” She screamed out in my face.

  My hand shot up, and it was around her throat before I knew what I was doing for the second time since I had known her, but this time I was at my full strength. “Don’t you talk about her. Don’t do it.”

  I wanted to let go, I wanted to apologize but the anger inside of me was overriding every sense I had.

  “Alex!” I heard her whimper through bated breath. Her face turning into a deep shade of red.

  She put a hand on my chest, her way of connecting with me. I felt my hand slacken a little.

  “Oh my god, what the fuck.” I relaxed my hand a little more and moved closer to her. I didn’t want her to fall when I let go. Instead of falling though like I thought she would, I was the one on the floor. Stars and lights flashing in my head, pain coursing through my body. She had pulled her knee up hard and my cock felt like it was pushed inside my abdomen. Every muscle clenched and it felt like I was being stabbed hundreds of times all over my body.

  “If you put your hands on me again in any way I don’t approve of, I will do more than just knee you in the dick. It will be off and in your hand next time. You got me Alex?”

  I tried to suck in a good breath but I was curled up tight trying to relieve the pressure in my balls. “Yeah, yeah, got it.” I said out of breath.

  She stepped over me and walked out of the room with a slam of my door.

  I had only said I loved you and meant it once before. When I said it this time it felt like I meant it too, but I knew that wasn’t the case. It couldn’t be. There will never be another for me besides Laura. I was built for Laura. Made for her. I enjoyed Mikki’s company but I knew that it was the end of my feelings for her.

  Ryder knocked on the door, “Prez, you good?” he opened the door to see my naked ass rolling around on the floor.

  “Err. Ok.” I heard him trying not to laugh.

  “….fucker.” I wheezed out my pain.

  “What you do to that woman?” Ryder walked over me and pulled out a pair of shorts for me. He threw them at me while he turned his back so I could put them on.

  After a few more minutes of the mind-numbing pain I was able to sit up on my own accord and try to understand what in all the fuck just happened.

  “So why did that goddess of a woman just storm out of your room?” Ryder slid down the wall and continued to drink the brew in his hand.

  “I have no fucking idea, it doesn’t matter anyway. I don’t have time for the bullshit.” I tried to forget the whole conversation but the cackle from the side of me had my undivided attention. “What the fuck is so funny?”

  “You!” He looked at me almost to see if I would start laughing along with him. When I didn’t he stopped laughing himself. “Prez? Alex, are you shitting me right now?” Ryder stood up from where he was sitting, “Brother, I don’t know if you missed the memo but that woman brought you back from the dead. You were five feet in the grave when you left here, just a shadow of your old self and then you show up with her and her little troupe and, bam, it’s like you’re the Prez of old. If for one second you think you don’t need that woman you are still out of your mind.”

  “I told her I love her.” I looked up at him then looked away, “You know, while we were fucking.”

  He laughed a little, “Damn, that pussy is that good?”

  “Ry, it’s fucking magical, I swear the woman is a witch.” I laughed myself, my head hitting the wall behind me. I sobered up slightly, “She was right to be pissed off though, I don’t love her. I’ll never love anyone like I loved Laura. She was my whole soul.”

  “Prez, I know I have never had a woman for as long as you were with Laura, so I should be the last one to even offer my thoughts but just hear me out ok?”

  I nodded once and waited for him to drop some wisdom on me.

  “The Prez that was here when Laura was alive is not the same man that is sitting in front of me today. When Laura was killed you were broken, a part of you died right along with her. I am so sorry for that man, really I am. The man that Mikki found is someone completely different, it might not be the same love you had for Laura but the love you have for Mikki can be
just as strong. Loving Mikki doesn’t mean you didn’t or don’t love Laura too.”

  I knew what he was saying was true, I felt like I was betraying Laura by loving Mikki. What I felt for Mikki was similar but so different than what I felt for Laura. Either way I knew that I couldn’t lose Mikayla. I did love her. I let Ryder out the door before the tears slid down my cheek. They were cathartic in a way. It finally felt like I was truly letting Laura go. I would always hold a piece of her in my heart, there would be a huge chunk of my soul that I would never be able to reach again but if she was willing to love what I had left, I would be a damn fool to let Mikayla slip out of my life.

  Chapter 24

  “Church!” I heard Clean call out knocking me out of my depressed state. I opened the door to my room and looked out at the amount of folks in our clubhouse. Our numbers were crazy.

  I got up and headed to where I needed to be downstairs. I watched as Wire rushed into the back room, anger permeating from his very aura. Something had gone down that I didn’t know about.

  I walked in along with the core of us and we waited to hear what the bad news was.

  Wire sat at the table and waited impatiently for everyone to stop talking and when they did he began. “So far we know for sure that, Ink, Agra, Vale, and Angel are missing.”

  What the fuck!

  “What the fuck!” I jumped up from my seat and looked at Wire like he was outside of his mind.

  “Prez, just wait.” Archer tried to settle me down, I wasn’t hearing it.

  “Fuck off me! What the fuck are you talking about?”

  “They haven’t been seen for at least four hours. I don’t know what happened our how they got them off the compound, but they are not here.”

  “What the fuck!” I roared. Not my little Angel, why would they take the baby?